November 15, 2022
by Dirk May
Is there hope for someone who is not a natural evangelist to share Christ? In other words, the ordinary believer.
I found the answer to this question on my trip to New York City with Spread Truth Ministries.
The trip might be described as a one-week evangelism boot camp. We spent each day on the streets of New York City either offering to pray with people in the various boroughs or engaging with people in the parks, all with the idea of sharing the good news of Christ.
The questions, doubts and objections came to a head as I reached our hotel. “I cannot do this, Lord. I’m a sinner who is not worthy. They won’t listen anyway.” One passage that kept coming to mind was Exodus 4:11 “Who has made man’s mouth?”. The Lord will tell me what to say to people. Pat Gregory, our East White Oak group leader for the week, would remind us “God uses sinners to tell other sinners where to find hope.” As we were reminded in our daily worship time, salvation is of the Lord and God opens hearts, not man.
The beauty of the Good News is that it is not about the one who shares it, but it is about the Lord Jesus who displayed all His glory when He did a marvelous, powerful work on the Cross. Paul said that he preached the gospel not with clever speech so the Cross would not be emptied of its power (1 Corinthians 1:17).
The Good News is simply pointing our fellow man to Jesus and saying, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” In Him you will never be disappointed.
Spread Truth was an opportunity to say “Yes” to God’s call, and to let God use my stammering tongue to glorify the Lord Jesus.
Dirk May serves as an elder and small group leader. He enjoys spending his free time laughing with his wife, Sue, and playing with their grandchildren.
November OakLeaf Articles:
The Art of Asking a Good Questions by Pastor Scott Boerckel
Ordinary, Everyday Interactions by Laurie Soliday
Sharing the Gospel in Relationships by Mark Kuzdas
Conversations with a Cup of Tea by Lucas O.
Sowing the Good Seed by Steven O.
Can Any Christian Be an Evangelist? by Dirk May
Outreach to the Local Indian Community by Elia Kudari
The Power of Prayer in Evangelism by Dr. Jeff VanGoethem
Bible Fellowships Spur Evangelism by Steven Mann