If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you will likely have been introduced to one or more methods of sharing your faith with others.
“The Story,” the Bridge Illustration, Evangelism Explosion, Sharing Jesus Without Fear, and the Four Spiritual Laws are among countless methods of evangelism…
The next several editions of the OakLeaf will highlight a few spiritual disciplines.
A spiritual discipline is a practice identified in the Scriptures as a means of promoting spiritual maturity among believers in Jesus. This edition focuses on “Evangelism.” Telling people about Jesus is an essential aspect of “Making Disciples,” one of East White Oak’s three Vital Signs.
Evangelism Lessons from our Missionaries
“Over my three weeks with Jana, we talked about Christianity and faith quite a bit…what I found most important was just being able to share what God was doing in my life.”
“We were excited 20 years ago to finish language school in Costa Rica and finally go full-time into the challenging and forsaken places of violence and hopelessness…But it was hard.”
“The setting we most often find ourselves in when talking about the Good News is a kitchen table with a cup of tea…we get to know people and that includes sharing our faith.”
“My job is to be faithful…go out with fellow believers, build relationships, sow the seeds of salvation, and work the Harvest in due time.”
More Articles about Evangelism
“The questions, doubts, and objections came to a head as I reached our hotel. ‘I cannot do this, Lord. I’m a sinner who is not worthy. They won’t listen anyway’…”
“Many have expressed their joy to be able to hear and learn about the Lord Jesus for the first time… some have received Bibles joyfully and told us that they began to read the Bible.”
“Have you considered that little prayer is offered these days for the lost? Church-wide prayer meetings have largely died out across the land…and with little prayer comes little power.”
“Our faith-nurturing community provides the opportunity for us to come together and to intercede and pray for each other as we continue to spread the Gospel message to those around us…”