Pathways to Maturity
East White Oak is not the biggest church in America but it is big enough that people could come regularly for Sunday Worship but remain anonymous. Biblical Christianity is not lived out in anonymity it is lived out in community. Bible Fellowships create environments where relationships are nurtured.
Adult Bible Fellowships
Adult Bible Fellowships are one of the Three Pathways at East White Oak designed to move people toward becoming worshipers who are maturing in Christ. To find out more about how you could connect with an ABF please contact the ABF leader. If you have questions regarding ABFs in general, please contact Pastor Traig. [email protected]
9:00 AM
THE BRIDGE (Single Adults 18-28)
9:00 AM / Room 172
This new ABF for young adults is a place for you to connect and grow at East White Oak! Come for teaching, friendships, prayer, and food. Contact Jon Scott [email protected] or Jesse Leman [email protected] for details.
FELLOWSHIP 13 (20’s – 30’s)
9:00 AM / Banquet Room
We are a robust fellowship of couples who turn to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Truth contained in God’s Word as the compass for our lives and, more specifically, guidance as to the foundation of our marriages. We are living lives together and supporting each other and the church during these tumultuous times. Contact: Ruston Edelman, [email protected]
9:00 AM / Room 174
Do you believe—really believe—that God’s love can change your life—really transform who you are? We are committed to making our lives all that God intends them to be. We pursue the transforming love of God together by studying the Bible, praying for one another, fun activities, and caring for each other through the highs and lows of life. Please join us as we seek to build a fellowship that walks more closely with God. Contact: Don Spaulding. [email protected]
ACTS 2:42 (Cross–generational)
9:00 AM / Room 171
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42. Some things never change, like the basic needs of people desiring to live a Christian life in a culture antagonistic toward Christian living whether it’s Corinth and Ephesus or Bloomington – Normal. After 2000 years of church history, those basic needs are still Bible study, relationships of interdependence, and prayer. You’ll find in Acts 2:42 a group of people on the exciting adventure of creating that kind of ABF. You’re invited to join the adventure. Contact: Craig Nelson. [email protected]
SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (Cross–generational)
9:00 AM / Room 170
Not your typical ABF. Search the Scriptures is an in-depth Bible study requiring daily preparation throughout the week. Class time focuses on discussing the observations and the learning that have taken place through that week’s daily study. Contact: Lyle Risius. [email protected]
10:30 AM
BUILDERS (50’s & up)
10:30 AM / Room 171
We think that Scripture should affect the way we live, speak and act. Every week, we go to God’s word for His perfect instruction for our lives. Also included every week are terrific times of prayer. Contact: Jeff Fritzen. [email protected]
CROSSROADS (70’s & up)
10:30 AM / Room 126
We’re focused on what the Bible has to say about facing the challenges that come during the retirement years. You’ll find a warm welcome, new friends and good Bible teaching. Contact: Wes Hill. [email protected]