Each year East White Oak offers a new Bible reading plan to our church family.

This year’s recommended reading plan was created by George Guthrie. The 4+1 Plan offers a refreshing way to read through the Bible in a year. You will read at four different places in Scripture plus the Psalms. Over the course of the year you will read through each Psalm twice. The plan is “semi-chronological” at points. Specifically, the prophets of the Old Testament and the letters of the New Testament have been placed in a rough chronological order. There are six readings per week, which will give you a day to catch up if you need it and a “Sabbath rest” if you don’t.

You can follow a printed version of the plan (booklets will be available in the long hallway) or read/listen each day on the YouVersion Bible App!

Dr. George Guthrie is Professor of New Testament at Regent College and a highly sought-after lecturer, who has taught across North America, as well as in East Asia, the United Kingdom, Germany, South Africa, and Israel.

George holds both a PhD and MDiv from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a ThM from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. A recognized authority on the New Testament book of Hebrews, George’s doctoral research was published as The Structure of Hebrews: A Text-Linguistic Analysis in the series Supplements to Novum Testamentum (Leiden/New York: E.J. Brill, 1994). He has published commentaries on Hebrews (Zondervan, 1998; 2002, 2007), James (Zondervan, 2006), and 2 Corinthians (Baker, 2015), as well as numerous articles, book chapters, and book reviews. George has also worked as a consultant on the ESV, CSV, NLT, and HCSB translations.

Bonus Material by George Guthrie

BOOK for personal study

Read the Bible for Life by George Guthrie is a guide to understanding and living God’s Word. Through a series of down-to-earth conversations with some of today’s brightest scholars, author George Guthrie discusses the basic tools and attitudes needed to read the Bible more effectively. Chapters focus on the various types of literature in Scripture and ways to approach them. For instance, how should you read a Psalm differently than a parable? How should you read a story of the Old Testament differently than a letter from Paul? How can we engage these various parts of Scripture in a way that is truly life changing? By understanding how to skillfully read Scripture, you will begin to see how every person, every passage, and every teaching fits into the Bible’s powerful, overarching story. You will also begin to realize your place in the story God is still writing in the world today.

Note: You will find two Bible reading plans in the appendix of this book.
1) The 4+1 Bible Reading Plan that we are following in 2024
2) The Chronological Bible Reading Plan that East White Oak followed in 2020

Find the Book

CURRICULUM for Small Group study

A 9-Week Small-group study designed for individuals or small groups. As people grow in understanding how to read and live the different parts of Scripture well, they meet the Living God in the Word in fresh ways. 30-minute video sessions are combined with small-group discussion and daily time with God in the Bible.

Topics Include:

  • Reading the Bible for Life Change
  • Meeting God in the Scriptures
  • Reading the Bible in Context
  • Using Bible Translations
  • Understanding Old Testament Stories
  • How to Sing & Pray with the Psalms
  • How the Gospels & Acts Work
  • Understanding the Teaching of Jesus
  • Making Sense of Revelation

If you are interested in using this study with your small group, contact Pastor Justin. [email protected]

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