We believe that the Bible has answers for the questions of life.
Some of those questions can get pretty complex, and it is often helpful to have the guidance of another to assist us. Here at East White Oak, there are many gifted people who provide help for others in the areas of financial difficulty, relationship challenges, marital difficulties, child rearing, aging, etc. In addition, our pastors are especially equipped to help folks biblically to think through the hard issues of life. The Bible is our sufficient guide for how to glorify God with our lives, no matter the challenges that we face. We always want to point people to the Bible and the God of the Bible as our sufficient help in trouble.
From time to time, there are issues that folks face which can best be helped by deeper and regular meeting with people who are especially equipped to offer wise, biblical counsel. The pastoral leadership at East White Oak are glad to help refer you to such a person, where it is deemed beneficial.