
We’re here to serve you

2024-2025 Sunday Morning Registration

Two nurseries are staffed with loving volunteers during the Sunday morning worship service (9:00 AM) to provide safe, individualized care for the youngest “acorns” at East White Oak. All nursery supervisors and volunteers have been screened and approved to care for the children.

Nursery 1 (Infants)

Infants aged 4 weeks to approximately 12 months (or until the child is walking well) are cared for in Nursery 1 which is located in Room 120. There is a ratio of 1 adult to every 2 infants to help ensure that the babies have as much individualized attention and care as possible. Nursery 1 contains age appropriate toys, swings and plenty of rocking chairs to love and comfort your child! A sleep and nursing room is also located in Nursery 1.

Nursery 2 (Walkers)

Little ones on the move need their own special place to spend time being loved and cared for by followers of Christ. Nursery 2 is for walkers aged approximately 1 to 2 years old (ably walking children until they are of the age to move to the next level of programming). The care ratio is one adult to every 4 children. Located in Room 117, lots of age appropriate toys can be found in Nursery 2 and there is usually a small snack served.

Drop off/Pick up Procedures

When you arrive, stop at a Child Check-In Kiosk.  A children’s ministry staff member will help you get checked in.  Once check-in is completed you will receive an adhesive name tag for your child and a corresponding pick-up tag for you.  Place the name tag on your child’s back.  Your child will enter the nursery by being handed over the nursery counter.  For pick-up, return to the nursery and present the supervisor with your pick-up tag.