Baptism Class

An outward expression of an inward transformation

If you have put your faith in Christ alone by faith alone to save you from your sins, the next step of obedience is for you to be baptized.

Our Baptism Class is the prerequisite for requesting to be baptized. We require that parents attend with children under 16. Please submit your Baptism Class Attendance Request Form online. Email Pastor Justin ([email protected]) for more information!

Our next scheduled baptism service will be on Easter Sunday, 2025. The Baptism Class will be held on March 2 at 9:00am. This class will be held in conjunction with the Discovering Membership Class.

Request for Baptism Form

After you have completed the Baptism class, fill out the Request for Baptism Form by clicking below and someone will contact you.

Request for Baptism Form

Is your child ready to be Baptized?

Parents, if you are uncertain as to whether or not your child(ren) are ready to be baptized, please use this Parent Guide to help in your assessment.

Parent Guide