November 13, 2024 / by Pastor Traig Whittaker
Square dancing…if there was ever an activity that cannot be done alone it would be square dancing.
I’m sure that it has never crossed your mind to spend the evening by yourself square dancing. It’s clear in our minds that square dancing can only be done with others. It’s a group activity. It’s ridiculous to think of square dancing as something that could be done alone.
It’s no less ridiculous to think of the Christian life as a solo activity. When you were saved, if you were saved, you were saved into a relationship with your Creator through a union with Christ established by faith. That’s not the only relationship established by your faith-induced union with Christ. You have entered a familial relationship with others who have likewise been united to Jesus – your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Union with Christ creates Christian community: men and women who…
- Share a common relationship with Jesus
- Share a common purpose in the work of the church
- Share a common care for each other
We know that biblical Christianity must be lived out in community because over and over the Holy Spirit-inspired authors of the New Testament expressed these requirements for Christian living which cannot be fulfilled alone.
- Love one another
- Depend on one another
- Be devoted to one another
- Weep with one another
- Care for one another
- Encourage one another
- Comfort one another
- and the list goes on
God never intended Christians to live in anonymity, rather His intention is that we live in community. This is one of the primary purposes of Adult Bible Fellowships. These faith-nurturing communities are designed to complement private devotion to the Lord with spiritually necessary fellowship. God has designed you and me in such a way that our union with Christ is enriched by our fellowship with one another.
What other activities would be ridiculous for someone to attempt alone? Email me at [email protected]
Pastor Traig Whittaker has served at East White Oak since 2000. His ministry responsibilities include oversight of the church’s Christian Education programs and administrative duties. Traig is married to Laura and they have four adult children.
November OakLeaf Articles:
What Riches are Ours through Union with Christ by Pastor Scott Boerckel
For I am Convinced by Steve McNair
Abiding in Christ by Dr. Jeff VanGoethem
Union with Christ by Pastor Traig Whittaker
Jesus Lives in Me by Dave Osenga
Being the Body of Christ by Adam Garey
Unity with Christ and the Book of Philemon by Anna Meyer