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May 7, 2024 / by Abigail Waples

We moved from Virginia to Illinois in 2018 when my husband, Justin, became a pastor at East White Oak.

I grew up on a small farm without close neighbors, and during our early married years, we spent most of our time living in a rural setting. During our move to Illinois, we found a perfect house on a corner lot in a sweet and full-of-life neighborhood. I was so excited to set up our new home in our new neighborhood and have neighbors all around us to befriend! We started getting to know the names of our eight closest neighbors right away, and we found most of them were as eager to meet us as we were to meet them!

We are so grateful that there are many other children in our neighborhood around our children’s ages! In early 2019, we started praying for a swing set to set on our large corner lot that the neighborhood kids could use as a hang-out spot! The Lord graciously provided a free-to-us swing set that dozens of children have played on for hundreds of hours over the last five years! Most days, after the school buses pull away from the bus stop, kids throw their backpacks on their doorsteps and sprint to our yard to play! I have found such joy in learning the names, grades, hobbies, and favorite snacks of the children who choose to come play in our yard. It doesn’t take but an extra $5 at the grocery store for me to grab some goldfish, a bag of apples, or a box of popsicles for a quick snack when everyone comes to our house.

Some days, they build forts and sing silly songs at the top of their lungs. Some days, the Amazon delivery driver who stops by thinks I have 12 children or must run a daycare! On other days, someone wants to sit quietly and talk about a hard day at school or how hard it is to make friends. No matter the day or the number of children at our house, it’s been amazing to see how just being friendly, accepting, and available has given me a ministry right in our front yard!

This summer, we are looking forward to making the most of our summer days with the sprinkler running constantly, a freezer always full of popsicles to share, the sound of children laughing in our yard, and, Lord willing, many conversations where we can bring up church and Jesus often!

An unexpected but sweet blessing about saying “yes” to all these neighborhood children coming to play is the opportunity to build a relationship with their parents! We have invited them all to attend church with us, prayed for them when they are going through something difficult, and have been able to rejoice with them in moments of celebration!

I’m so grateful to the Lord for giving me a unique and special opportunity to share Jesus in unexpected ways with the children and their families He has placed in our neighborhood!


Abigail is married to Justin and spends her days loving on and homeschooling their four children: Karoline (10), Gideon (4), Felicity (3), Meredith (1), and a baby girl on the way! She currently serves on the Outreach Team leading the Adoption/Foster and Orphan Care Ministries, as a Small Group Leader with her husband, and in the East White Oak nursery. For fun, you’ll find Abigail reading, playing the piano and cello, and spending time with friends and family.

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May OakLeaf Articles:

This Summer, Memorize Scripture by Pastor Scott Boerckel
Serving Neighbors on our Swing Set by Abigail Waples
Plan a Personal Day of Prayer by Dr. Jeff VanGoethem
Summer Activity to Enrich Your Walk with Jesus by Chuck Blystone
Faith Nurturing “Rainy Day” Activities by Whitney Sherrill
Summer Reading that Helps You Grow by Monica Ball & Brenda Thompson
How to Have a God-Honoring Vacation by Pastor Traig Whittaker