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August 1, 2024 / by Dirk May

Our culture is full of noise and fury over a variety of social and political issues. It causes a range of responses to well up in our hearts. This may include anger, dismay, panic, fear, and anxiety.

The question is how do we rise above these emotions and live as Christ would have us live?

God is gracious in giving us His Word to guide us. As Paul told the Athenians, God places us in certain times and locations. Therefore it is not an accident we are believers in this culture. Philippians 4:6 commands us to be anxious for nothing, but in everything to pray. It shows love and respect to pray for others. Some possible prayers may include that our political leaders will find the Pearl of Great Price; our God specializes in changing hearts. Pray for the restraint of wickedness; God’s hand is never too short. Pray for the favor of believers before earthly leaders and the lost so that the grace of Christ might prosper, and more may be saved.

God’s Word also provides examples of godly conduct to follow. Daniel served in high places in a pagan government. He was faithful, honorable and spoke truth in the face of death. Pray that our witness will be likewise fruitful and point to the beauty of Christ.

Be of good cheer, children of God. Our hope is not in princes, but in our Lord who reigns forever and controls His creation for His good purposes.

Dirk May serves as an elder and Small Group leader. He enjoys spending his free time laughing with his wife, Sue, and playing with their grandchildren.