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February 9, 2023 / by Meg White

Walking deep into our woods over the weekend, I am in awe of the smells, the sights, and the sounds of creation. These woods are a place of rest for me.

I did not create them, but have the privilege of enjoying and experiencing them. The more crackling steps I take, the more I am in awe of my Creator. The intricacy, the color, and the sounds of creatures I do not yet know the name of.

I experience those same feelings as I watch my baby sleep, or observe the spreading wings of my ever growing children.

It stirs in me, the same awe—awe of my Creator. Awe of my Savior. And I am led to worship—a whisper of thanks to God.


wor· ship ‘wər-shəp
: to honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power

If this definition is true, as Webster tells us, then this can happen in the most ordinary and extraordinary of days and situations and moments. When you see God in this way, that worship most often results in a prayer, a whisper, a shout—song of thanks—a prayer of humility—recognizing He is God and we are not. There is so little in life we can truly control, but our worship—well that is one.

In these woods, where I walk on an almost daily basis, I see the fingerprints of my Creator all over everything. Creation calls out as Romans 1 tells us. I’m reminded that He is in control even if the world feels like it’s splitting at the seams and I breathe deep, a sigh of relief, a whisper, a prayer of “Thank you Jesus—Thank you for these woods. Thank you for Your word. Thank you for breath.”

Just being here in this place reminds me He is God and I am not. That fact makes me rejoice with relief. Prayer is deep worship; a gift. And in creation, in these woods, might just be the very place I worship most.

Meg is wife to Jason and mom of 8. As a photographer for over two decades, she is passionate about documenting the beauty of real, ordinary life and living awake to the one life we have been given. She is a lover of words and the garden.Together, Meg and Jason are working to restore the home and land they live on which they have fondly named Haven Hill.

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February OakLeaf Articles:

Prayer as Fellowship with God by Pastor Scott Boerckel
Prayer in Children’s Ministry by the Children’s Ministry Team
Engaging Your Neighbors Through Prayer by Pastor Justin Waples
Prayer for Your Pastors by Richard Verdery
Prayer in Moments of Crisis by Jeff Fritzen
Praying for Prodigals by Jeoff Jenkins
Prayer as Worship by Meg White
Prayer for Refreshing Our Building and our Hearts by Dave Rowden
Praying in Jesus’ Name by Dr. Jeff VanGoethem
Resources for Your Prayer Journey by Monica Ball
Prayer Questions and Conundrums by David Congdon