How do you decide what you do?
For some, it’s a matter of what feels good at the moment. For others, it’s all about achieving goals. For still others, it’s about crafting the world into one’s own image. Even for believers, there seems to be quite a variety of ways that people make decisions. Part of our church vital sign of Growing in Christ is about…
The theme of this Oak Leaf is “Growing in Christ”, one of East White Oak’s Vital Signs.
At East White Oak our “Vital Signs” are key identifiers of the health of our ministries that apply both corporately and personally to our church body.
“If you ever wonder if all we do is entertain students… That is far from all we do.”
We teach God’s Word in a variety of different ways, so students “get it” and have the opportunity to “live it” before they graduate.
There Is Only One Source Of Life And Growth—Christ.
When we state “Growing in Christ” as one of East White Oak’s vital signs, we should be mindful of Solomon’s warnings that true growth does not take place in the physical realm.
I stopped breathing and went on a ventilator on
October 8, 1988.
“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.”
How does one define “submission”?
This can be simply described as one person humbly and willingly placing themselves under the authority of another.
Sign Up for the Picnic
Sunday Worship, baptisms at the beach, boxed lunches, inflatable games, a Mega Challenge Escape Room, boating, ice cream, hayrack rides, an afternoon concert, and much more! Sign up by September 9.
Register Here!
This Wednesday evening kids’ ministry is designed for children ages 3 – 6th grade. Learn more about AWANA here.
Connect with Women’s Ministry
Fall Bible Studies begin Sept. 2 & Sept. 23. Invite a friend to our Gather Brunch on September 18, or plan to attend the Revive Our Heart Simulcast October 8-9.
Survey: Growing In Christ
This survey consists of 6 sets of multiple choice questions and your answers will be completely anonymous.
Consider taking this short ANONYMOUS survey —not to measure your own spiritual vitality in the eyes of others, but to give all of us a glimpse “behind the scenes” of our church community. Answering questions will help our pastors understand the unique ways we each grow in Christ. You will also help us know how we may best serve the Church as we’re Seeking to be Worshipers Maturing in Christ! Look for all the results in the next Oak Leaf.
Summer Youth Ministry
Our students and leaders have had an incredible summer of fun, service, and ministry. Check out all the summer photos here! Allow the photos a few moments to load. There are a LOT of great pictures!
September 2021
John 14:21
“Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” (ESV)
We show Jesus that we love Him by obeying Him. That obedience leads to closer relationship with both God the Father and God the Son. Do you want a more intimate relationship with God? Do you want Jesus to show Himself in your life? Take that next step of obedience that you know you should take.