One way to understand the state of the world as it relates to the Gospel is by statistics.
Now, statistics do not tell us everything, but they can sometimes shed light where we need to see more clearly the great cause in which our Lord has us engaged. So, here are some statistics in round numbers that give us…
The theme of this OakLeaf is “Making Disciples”, one of East White Oak’s Vital Signs.
At East White Oak our “Vital Signs” are key identifiers of the health of our ministries that apply both corporately and personally to our church body.
Featured Articles
Evangelism has never been natural for me. I really wish it was!
It’s not for lack of being convinced that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation…
I had a plan a couple of months ago when I entered the most ethnically diverse section of Grand Rapids:
I wanted to impact the multi-national business owners of this area – a very strategic group – for Christ. My plan was simple…
Mustering his strength, he exclaimed, “If God should raise me up again, I may finish some more of my papers…
or God can make use of me to save a soul, and that will be worth living for.”
Survey Results
The theme of the September 2021 Oak Leaf was “Growing in Christ”, one of East White Oak’s Vital Signs. We provided a survey designed to help us understand the unique ways we each grow in Christ.
November 2021
Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (ESV)
One reason that Jesus has saved you is so that you might be a witness to others of His great love. Do you find it hard to share your faith? Ask the Holy Spirit to empower and help you! Who knows where that will take you?