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June 12, 2024 / by Mary Jones

Back when my husband Al and I first started attending East White Oak Bible Church, Pastor Justin Waples made a presentation to the Church entitled “Who is my Neighbor”. We were given a refrigerator magnet that proved invaluable to us.

As we met a neighbor we would write their names down and refer to it often, to help us remember who each of them were. Over time this magnet would become full of names of those who not only lived on either side of us, but many others down the street. Some of those on our street are family members of the farm that surrounds our subdivision.

It was on a Monday, mid-morning when our dog George, who loves to look out the window, alerted us to someone passing by. His barking was persistent. My husband Al looked out the window and noticed that the neighborhood cows, about ten of them from down the street, had made an escape and were walking through the neighbors’ yard across the street. Al gave the farmer a call and I immediately went out to the front yard to stop them from going any further. The cows did reverse course and headed out into an open field that thankfully hadn’t been planted yet. It didn’t cross my mind not to help out because this kind of adventure involving animals was right up my alley. I didn’t see anyone coming to round them up, so I attempted to walk them in the direction of the farm fence that they broken out of.

It was shortly after this that one of the farmer’s sons drove past the pasture. His mom, the farmer’s wife, had called him alerting him that the cows had escaped. He drove into the field and maneuvered his truck behind the cows and also started driving the cows towards home. Another younger neighborhood woman, named Cassie, also helped by flanking the cows on the other side from me and that kept them from turning directions. The three of us eventually got them into the pasture where they belonged.

I was told later that most of the family members were about a half hour away trying to get their crop planted . The farmer’s wife said it was such a blessing to her that we were there to help. How rewarding it was to be able to help this neighbor!

Mary is Married to Allan and is currently serving in the Greeters Ministry, and as a Small Group Co-Leader with Allan. Mary loves to work in her flower garden and enjoys working with her hands quilting and doing artwork.

Learn more about Neighboring!

Consider how you can serve your neighbors by visiting the East White Oak Outreach page and discover creative ways to serve your neighbors, make disciples, and read some fantastic stories! Download this Community Engagement Guide or grab a printed copy at the Gospel Resource display at church to learn how to engage with and share your faith with a simple 3-Circle Gospel Outline!

We’re praying for your outreach! Do you have a story to share? Contact [email protected].