Why compassion ministries?
Because as we preach the gospel we must respond to human need. Being the hands and feet of Jesus offers an open door to share the love of Jesus.
Because as we preach the gospel we must respond to human need. Being the hands and feet of Jesus offers an open door to share the love of Jesus.
East White Oak dinner theater presents a drama of the life of Irish missionary Amy Carmichael whose ministry rescued over 1000 vulnerable children in India. Then we have the opportunity to hear from Rick Rood as he shares the story of God leading him into a ministry of compassion through his own crucible of suffering. Children’s program (K-3rd Grade) with Meg Kuzdas. Nursery (infant -preschool) available 6:30-8:00 PM.
Stop by the Missions Café, interact with our missionary guests, and then come and learn about ministry to vulnerable children with East White Oak’s own Cara Johnson and Jamie Fifarek from the Forgotten Initiative. Cara has cared for over 20 children in her home through Safe Families and as a foster parent. Jamie represents the Forgotten Initiative, a ministry which seeks to support foster care and vulnerable children. Children’s Program (K-3rd Grade) with Jen Gerber, and nursery (infant-preschool) available 5:00-6:00 PM.
Women’s Ministry is hosting a night of sweet treats and sweet fellowship with Sara Johnson. Sara and her husband serve in Guatemala with Kids Alive International. Sara will discuss “The Importance of Ministry to the Broken.”
After an extra hearty breakfast, our long time missionary in Guatemala Doug Johnson will speak on “The Importance of Ministry to the Broken.” Men, bring your appetite and heart of compassion. Please sign up by Thursday, November 7.
Bring your whole family! Come and sample what orphans eat daily all over the world. This will be followed by guest speaker Celestin Musekura who will share his thrilling life story, the son of a witch doctor bringing the healing of forgiveness to many nations. Children’s Program (K-3rd Grade) with the Orner family and nursery (infant-preschool) provided 6:30-8:00 PM. *Pizza for kids during children’s program. Please sign up by Thursday, November 7.
Discover ways you can pray, give, and go at this year’s Missions Fair. Over 25 presenters will be on hand with a special emphasis on compassion-oriented ministries. Open your heart to see how God might be leading you.
Chaplain Rick Rood grew up in a California pastor’s home and came to know Jesus at a young age. He soon developed a desire to serve the Lord in some way. After graduating from Seattle Pacific University and Dallas Seminary he began pastoring in the Seattle area in a new church plant. Eventually he returned to Dallas Seminary to study and teach. It was then that he and his wife Polly’s dreams were shattered as Polly was diagnosed with a neurodegenerative illness. This changed everything. While caring for her over the next 19 years, Rick served with two parachurch ministries (primarily ministering to university students) but then the Lord directed him into the hospitals to minister as a Chaplain. Polly went home to be with the Lord in 2003 and after nine years alone, he married Li Lin, a native of Taiwan. Rick tells the story of Polly’s illness in his book, “Our Story, One Couple’s Encounter with the Grace of God in the Crucible of Affliction.” Rick has also authored “A Day in the Life of a Chaplain” reflecting on his many years of daily ministry to the hospitalized. He currently serves in Seattle with the Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association and has a vision to train church people in providing pastoral care to those who are hospitalized. In addition, Rick has been going overseas for many years to provide biblical and theological training to Christian workers in underserved areas like Asia and Africa. Rick has two children and two grandchildren.
Celestin Musekura was born and raised in Rwanda and is a naturalized American. He was a pastor for several years in his home country of Rwanda, then became the founder of the African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries (ALARM). The vision of ALARM is to develop servant leaders in the African Church who can lead and teach reconciliation and restoration based on biblical forgiveness. His vision was forged during the terrible Genocide in his home country in 1994. He received a Bachelor of Theology from Kenya Highlands Evangelical University, a Master of Divinity at the Africa International University also in Kenya, a Master of Sacred Theology and a Ph.D. in Theological Studies from Dallas Seminary. He is the author of An Assessment of Contemporary Models of Forgiveness. He serves on the Faculty of the Great Lakes Institute in Uganda and the Doctor of Ministry program of the African International University. He and his wife Bernadette have four children and two grandchildren and reside in the Dallas area, where he serves as President of ALARM. His wife Bernadette, who will be joining us, serves as a Counselor with the International Rescue Committee, working with refugees in the Dallas area.
Doug and Sara Johnson have served as missionaries 41yrs. 18 with HIM and 23 with Kids Alive International in Guatemala at the Oasis, a ministry of care for abused girls. Their work has included construction/maintenance, team and sponsor coordination, discipleship and mentoring. They have 5 grown children and 14 grandchildren.
Mark and Meg Kuzdas are the founders and executive directors of Christian Light Foundation Costa Rica. Evangelism and Discipleship in the hard places of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Venezuela have been the cornerstones of the ministry from the beginning 22 years ago when Mark left the Walgreen Company after being there for over two decades. In addition, churches are being planted, there is a large children’s feeding center, and many children are receiving help to further their education. Mark and Meg have three daughters and four grandchildren living in the Fort Wayne area.
Steve and Bekah Orner have served as missionaries in Madagascar since 2014. They have 4 children, Ruthie, Doug, Heather and Lydia. The Orners work on the remote Island of Nosy Mitsio to make disciples and mobilize Malagasy missionaries among the unreached Antakarana people.