May 10, 2022
Pastor Scott Boerckel
At East White Oak our Focus is “Seeking to be worshipers, maturing in Christ.”
Whether you are a seasoned believer looking for a place to worship and serve, or a person looking for answers to your spiritual questions, or somewhere in-between, you are welcome here. Our prayer is that you will join us in…
“Seeking”–humbly implying that none of us have “arrived”; that we are all on a life-long journey. We may be at different points along the way, but we are united in our pursuit of something. What is that?
“to be worshipers”–contrary to popular opinion, worship does not begin and end with the singing on Sunday morning. In fact, our lives are to be lived out as an act of worship – all that we do bringing glory to God.
“maturing in Christ”–we each begin our new life in Christ as a spiritual infant, but God does not intend for us to stay that way. Graciously He makes us and molds us into people who are becoming ever more like Jesus.
Churches do lots of things, but the three clearest, most consistent pathways to maturity in Christ which we offer here at East White Oak are Sunday Worship, Bible Fellowships, and Small Groups.
The theme of this edition of the OakLeaf is Bible Fellowships and the unique contribution participation makes in the life of a follower of Jesus.
At East White Oak we believe that God wants every man, woman, boy, and girl to grow to maturity in Christ and that He has called us to this Focus. Our mission is stated well by the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:28: “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”
May the Lord bless each of us in our journey towards maturity in Christ.
Senior Pastor Scott Boerckel loves being a pastor and teaching God’s Word. He is married to Carol, a watercolor artist who knows how to think Christianly about the arts. In his free time, he enjoys cycling with friends, enjoying his ever growing family, and learning from the community of God’s people at East White Oak.
May OakLeaf Articles:
Join the Journey by Pastor Scott Boerckel
Faith Nurturing Communities by Pastor Traig Whittaker
Sunday Mornings: Strategic Discipleship by Pastor Walt Baertsch
Maturing Young Worshipers by Kris Seifert, Children’s Ministry Director
Jumping Into ABF by Mark Heil
The Fellowship in ABF by Ashley Deal
History of ABFs by Dr. Jeff VanGoethem
Crossroads ABF by Joan Rich