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OCTOBER 31, 2024 / Pastor Traig Whittaker

East White Oak Bible Church would like to raise the awareness of our parents about a wonderful discipleship resource. It’s The New City Catechism.

If you grew up attending church, it’s possible that you are familiar with catechesis.  Some of you may be skeptical and wary of catechism because it sounds like something that “liberal churches do.”  Others of you may be completely unfamiliar with the word “catechism.”  So, let me take a moment to get us all on the same page about catechism and catechesis.

  • Catechesis is simply a method of instruction. Often it is done by asking questions to which there are biblical answers.
  • Almost all catechisms (and there are many) include information which could be categorized broadly as “doctrine.” Also typically included are: the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the ordinances of Communion and Baptism.

In 2012 a modern-era catechism was introduced, The New City Catechism.  It is designed with 52 questions and answers, making it easy to move through the entire catechism in one year at a pace of one question per week.

East White Oak would like to support you in your efforts to teach your children the important truths of the Christian faith so every Sunday, beginning January 5, sometime during your child’s Bible Fellowship the teacher will review “Today’s Q & A” (one question and answer from The New City Catechism).  This will reinforce the instruction happening at home for families who choose to use the catechism as a faith-nurturing tool. A schedule providing the Sundays for each question is available here.

This could be a significant step in creating in your child a truth-foundation upon which the rest of his or her spiritual life will be built.  We will begin with question #1 on Sunday, January 5.

Resources for Parents