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May 10, 2022
Pastor Traig Whittaker

East White Oak is not the biggest church in America, but it is big enough that people could come regularly for Sunday Worship and yet remain anonymous.

There is at least one problem with that…Biblical Christianity is not lived out in anonymity—it is lived out in community. Bible Fellowships create environments where faith-building relationships are nurtured.

Bible Fellowships are groups of 20 to 90 people who meet on Sunday mornings for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. The connection which participants share with one another goes beyond Sunday morning to fun socials and meaningful service projects. This type of Christian community makes unique contributions to the journey toward maturity in Christ.

Here are just a few reasons why our Adult Bible Fellowships are important for you:

  • It’s a time and a place where those on the fringes of the congregation can conveniently get to know others before or after Sunday Worship.
  • When studying the Bible with friends, life issues get connected to the scriptures more easily and authentically.
  • Everyone needs to be in relationship with others in order that the “one anothers” of scripture can be lived out (love one another, encourage one another, care for one another, etc.).
  • It’s a group of people with whom your prayer requests can be shared and for whom you can pray.

Make this month the month you find an Adult Bible Fellowship to call your own.

  • Because “one anothering” requires relationships.
  • Because sometimes you have questions about the Bible.
  • Because you want others praying for you.
  • Because you really can’t carve out another day from your week to meet.
  • Because you no longer want to be anonymous at your church home.
  • Because you want to be available for God to use to bless someone else.

Pastor Traig Whittaker has served at East White Oak since 2000. His ministry responsibilities include oversight of the church’s Christian Education programs and administrative duties. Traig is married to Laura and they have four adult children.

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May OakLeaf Articles:

Join the Journey by Pastor Scott Boerckel
Faith Nurturing Communities by Pastor Traig Whittaker
Sunday Mornings: Strategic Discipleship by Pastor Walt Baertsch
Maturing Young Worshipers by Kris Seifert, Children’s Ministry Director
Jumping Into ABF by Mark Heil
The Fellowship in ABF by Ashley Deal
History of ABFs by Dr. Jeff VanGoethem
Crossroads ABF by Joan Rich