NOVEMBER 26, 2024 / Pastor Traig Whittaker
Parents usually build some routine into the lives of their children. Some activities are annual routines, like a doctor’s check-up. Other routines may be weekly, like a chore that a child may have. Then there are some activities that are part of our child’s daily routine, like brushing his or her teeth.
If we require that our children brush their teeth daily for the good of their oral hygiene despite whatever aversion they have to the task and despite the boredom produced by the day after day doing of it – shouldn’t we likewise require of our children a routine that is beneficial to the formation of their faith?
You may think that requiring something of our children that they may not like or appreciate seems oppressive, like bondage. Well, can I suggest that if you were to grant freedom from tooth brushing for your child, they would find themselves in bondage to tooth decay. On the other hand, bondage to regular, routine, consistent tooth brushing brings freedom from decay and the accompanying pain. Choose the bondage you want for your child.
In the same way freedom from disciplined regular learning of important biblical truth produces a bondage to spiritual impotence. Children become easy prey for those who are determined to contribute to the deconstruction of their faith. On the other hand, bondage to regular consistent exposure to important biblical truths produces a freedom to live out one’s faith with confidence and avoid the painful consequences of a life lived in rebellion to God. Choose the bondage you want for your child.
Coming January 5, 2025 the East White Oak Bible Church children’s ministries will add “Today’s Q & A” to our Children’s Bible Fellowships, featuring one question per week from the New City Catechism. [see schedule]
This tool is very helpful in organizing and presenting important Christian doctrine in a memorable way. We would like to think that what we are doing in our Children’s Bible Fellowships on Sunday morning is complementing what parents are doing at home. Check out the resources below to see ways you can bring The New City Catechism into your family routine!